If you want to learn more about Bitsy, its interface and how it works, go to the Basic functions section, which will examine all the parts of the interface and what each one does (and a few hidden tricks).
If you prefer a more hands-on approach, there are several Tutorials available!
Lenny has put together an FAQ with helpful hints and troubleshooting.
and if that's not enough, check out Sean's collection of Bitsy hacks on GitHub
Bitsy depends largely on the use of Rooms in its design. Many games require players to wander about/search various rooms in order for locate items, take actions and make decisions.
The Most Current Version[]
As of July 28, 2023 - The current version of Bitsy is version 8.7
Find it here: https://ledoux.itch.io/bitsy/devlog/566155/v87